Monday, September 19, 2016

Things I've learned since I've become a SAHM

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend.  We didn’t do too much this weekend.  James and I did make a trip to Avon to see my niece Maddie play some volleyball and James ended up taking his first steps.  We are still mainly crawling but every once in awhile I can get him to walk some, progress!!

So I’ve been a Stay-At-Home-Mom for a little over a year now and I have learned about of things about myself and just in general about things being at home. 

1.  I like a clean house -  I’m not talking about no dust anyway, eat off the floor clean but I do like it to be picked up.  This doesn’t happen everyday but I do try my best to keep the house looking nice.  I’ve also found that on days when things just aren’t going right and it puts me in a bad mood, cleaning can help that.  I think it makes me feel like I have actually accomplished something. 

2. I miss working -  I don’t miss my bank job but someday I do miss the act of working.  I miss getting up in the morning, getting dressed in nice clothes, feeling pretty and going to work. I also think it would be nice sometimes to be able to drop James off and have someone else deal with his moodiness for a day.  I know that isn’t the truth for what its like for many of the working moms out there but just as you fantasy my day of staying in yoga pants and playing with my kids all day. I do the same with you. 

3.  I miss having my own money - That isn’t the biggest change for me, not having my OWN money.  It’s not like I made a lot of money at my old job but for almost the whole first year of being a SAMH I didn’t have any sort of income.  It’s just this past summer that I really started working for Wes’ business and started making money of my own.  It isn’t much and goes faster than I would like to it but it’s something.  I know a lot of couples having a joint account and some may even say it’s ‘our money’  but I’m sure that many SAHM can relate in the feeling that it really isn’t ‘our money’ and it’s hard to get over that feeling. 

4.  I don’t have the best patience -  I heisted putting this one there because it’s a very bad trait of mine but I’m trying to keep this blog honest and real.  I get angry about things that I shouldn’t and sometimes end up yelling at James or Truman for me stepping on a toy they left out or for just getting in my way when I now deep down it isn’t their fault.  Every week at church I pray for more patience and to forgive me about what I had done the previous week and thats all I can really do as I work towards growing my patience. 

I'm sure there are more things that I've learned since my journey as a SAHM begun but James had a rough night and my brain is functioning on all levels.  

What have you learned about yourself since becoming a parent?

I hope everyone has a great Monday and a great week.  Talk to you later.


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