Monday, August 1, 2016

Trip To Ikea

Hello Everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend.  We had a little mix of baseball games, just relaxing and of course some Baby Einstein Watching. 

Don't worry I removed him after I took this picture.  

A couple of weeks ago Wes, James and I made the pilgrimage to Ikea.  I decided that I wanted to get a new couch.  Our couch was a hand-me down from Wes’ parents so I’m not sure how long his parents had the couch and I’m not sure how long Wes’ had the couch but it was time to get a new one.  

I did a little research before we made the trip.  I looked at the type of couches they had, taped them out on the living room to see how they fit and how they would look in the living room. When we decided to take the trip actually surprised me.  Wes was on a little vacation (14 days off) so I thought it would be a good time to take a trip to Ohio.  But I was getting kind of antsy to go get the couch and I told Wes that I wanted to go either today (Sunday) or Monday.  Wes said he couldn’t go Monday so Sunday it was.  James was already fussing when we got back from church (it comes close to his nap time) so I knew we had to pull it together quick and get on the road so James could fall asleep in the car. 

We got in the car about 10:30, had to make a quick stop at fedex which didn’t go over well with a tired baby who just wanted to take a nap. 

We made it to Ikea around 12:30ish.  We decided to eat lunch there instead of stopping at a restaurant along the way.  We have never had the food at Ikea before but I was impressed with the choices and prices of the food. 

Wes had some meatballs and I had a half a chicken with some veggies and mac n cheese.  Before we left the house I prepped some food for James before we left the house.  

After we had lunch we hit the floor. My main mission for the day was too find a couch.  We spent a little time looking at the couch options and Wes veto the one that I really wanted.  So I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about the couch so Wes suggested that we should just go through the showroom and we can come back and decide. 

It’s always found looking through all the different set ups they have and how they are always improving the kitchens.  

We didn’t spend too much time in the rooms/ kitchens because they get very clogged with people, especially on a Saturday. 

I was starting to feel the pressure of deciding what I wanted for the couch because we did just take a two hour drive and spend our whole day there so if we came home with nothing then it would be a wasted time.  

As we were making our way through the end of the showroom I started to grab a couple of little things.  I grabbed 4 spice racks which have become super popular for little bookshelves and I plan on using them the same way for when we start James’ big boy room.  Which isn’t in the future plans at all but I just wanted to have them on hand and I believe they are only like $4 a piece.  

I also grabbed some popsicle holders and some bowls and plates for James which were super cheap. 

By the time that we made it back to the couch area, I still hadn’t made up my mind.  But I did know that the only couch that was going to work was the KETORP. 

 It was the only design we both liked.  So the next step was what type of couch and what color.  I went back and forth a lot because what I wanted the didn’t have - type and color.  So I ended up just picking the regular sofa and getting an ottoman to go with it in the white color they have. 

So if you have never been to Ikea before.  After you have made your major sections you go downstairs to what they called the marketplace which has a tons of little things - pillows, fabrics, silverware, all sorts of stuff.  And you make your way through there until you get to the big warehouse where you pick up your big items.  We located our boxes really easy - one box per item and when I go to grab the cover I see the grey color that I wanted and I was a little mad at the guys up stairs who said that they didn’t have any in stock.  So I doubled checked with the lady that they were the right type and grab the grey cover and left before they could tell me otherwise.

I believe my total came to about $728 when it was all said and done but I feel like thats pretty good for a couch and ottoman plus some little extra things.  By the time that we left, James and Wes were both ready to leave.  Ikea can really wear you out.  I think we left around 3 -4, I don’t remember exactly.  

James and I waited while Wes went and got the truck to load the couch into.  The family next to us didn't have enough room in their vehicle for what the bunkbeds they bought and we in the process of getting a U-HAUL to drive home. James fell asleep almost immediately when he got in the car and said that way until we got off the interstate. 

Overall I think it was a good trip to Ikea.  I got a couch that I really like and for the Ikea assembly record.  It was probably one of the easiest putting together of Ikea furniture that I’ve done.  So do not fear. 

Do you like to visit Ikea? how does your spouse/ partner feel about it?

What do you do when you can’t get the item that you really wanted to get?

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