Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Cleaning Schedule

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having a good day.  Honestly, my morning isn't going that great.  I got ready to go on a run (finally) and when I was getting James some snacks, I noticed ants in his snack cup.  A short story on me and ants. I don't really like them but I try my best to just let them be, especially if they aren't in my kitchen or getting in my way.  But I ended up finding so many in my purse that I totally freaked out and spend about 20 minutes trying to clean them out.  James was fussy and wanted to be held but I was dealing with the ant issue. My theory on why they ended in my bag was because of a baggie that used to be filled with strawberries from last night baseball game mixed with all the rain we have gotten it just a big invite for the ants to dive in.  I do find this pretty funny considering the topic of this blog is cleaning and i'm taking about ants in my purse. 

On another note,  I'm taking a meal to another firefighter family (the wife has cancer) tomorrow and I'm in the process of making cookies to go with the dinner and I went to the store and grab all the supplies the other day and I just got around to making them last night/today.  I didn't use one of my recent favorite recipes because I wanted something quick so I followed the recipe on the back of the bag and man, it's has let me down so much.  I even used good butter and let the dough cool in the fridge for over 12 hours so everything should be good to go but I ended up with flat, sad looking cookies.  So flat and sad looking that I don't want to deliver them to the family and they will probably end up going to the fire station.  Those guys really aren't picky and love drop in sweets.  

Update: I made more cookies after James went to bed. I used a new recipe. It was very similar to the tollhouse recipe but I used 1 cup brown sugar and 1/2 white sugar ( a little more brown sugar than the other recipe) and 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder.  And these cookies looked great.  Not flat and came off the tray so nice.

So thats how my morning is going.  On the flip side at least I got a run in.  So back to the main topic of this post my cleaning schedule.  I came across this article about a cleaning schedule and I thought it was a good read and had a lot of good ideas. 

After some trail and error I have found a schedule that works for me.  I like to divide the work load into 6 different days and taking Sunday off.  Before I had this schedule I found myself spending 3 to 4 hours cleaning on a Saturday morning and always feeling like I had do to a massive clean up with someone was stopping by in a few minutes.  But with this schedule I eliminated that Saturday morning clean up and the mad rush to clean up. 

On Mondays - I clean the kitchen, wipe down the appliances, take the trash out (Tuesday is trash day) and try to mop the floors (doesn't always get done every week.

When you have to clean and someone wants to be held.

Tuesday - I clean the bathrooms and do a load of towels.  I use old rags, instead of paper towels, to clean so I use a lot of towels on Tuesday and Monday so doing the towels after those two days just makes sense for me. 

Wednesday - I clean the living room on this day. I try to wipe down James toys and clean his playmate during one of this nap and try to dust too.  I'm not really good at dusting.  And what I mean by not good at it is just that I don't really notice it and or take the time to clean it.  This also used to be a James laundry day.  Until a month or so ago I used to do James' laundry on Wednesday and Saturday because he isn't going through multiple outfits so the amount of laundry didn't warrant enough to do another load of laundry. I also try to switch change bedsheets and changing pad cover. 

Thursday - I vacuum the house.  Like I said I don't have a very big house and only two rooms in our house have carpet right now.  So I try and vacuum those and the rug in the kitchen on Thursday.  Also on Thursday I try to tidy up our bedroom.  You know how it goes and things get put where they should belong or clothes don't get put away properly.

Friday - Friday is a big laundry day. I usually do mine and Wes' laundry and our bedsheets.  I don't really do any other house cleaning that day because I've already tackled the rest of the house so it's just a touch up day.  This is also, usually our grocery shopping day, so that takes a couple of hours. 

Saturday - I change James' sheets.  I like to change them twice during the week because he does spend more time in his bed than we do and I like to make sure his sheets are nice and fresh.  Saturday is also clean out car day.  I don't do a major detail every Saturday but I try to gather up all the toys and trash that have seemed to gather in the course of the week. 

I try to do one more monthly chore during the week.  These our things that don't need to be done every week but really do help the house seem nice and clean when they are done.  I think I originally set these chores up do be done on Saturday but I really just find myself doing them randomly through out the week.  I'll look at the fridge and think, man this is really dirty and clean it.  Or realize that I can't really see through the windows and clean them. 

The last thing on the cleaning schedule is the daily tasks.  These tasks are what help keep the house always in decent shape and you don't have to go to a mad rush when someone stops by.  My goal every night, before I go to bed, is to get these done but it doesn't always end up that way.  But I try.  I did time myself the other day and it took me about 20 minutes or so to do all these things and that included even cleaning up from dinner.  
 - Make the bed in the morning
- clean up the kitchen and start the dishwasher (if full)
- pick up the living room: put away toys, fix pillows and blankets
-put away items that have traveled through the day
- sort through the mail as soon as I bring it in the house

So there you have it.  My cleaning schedule and how I try to keep my house looking nice and clean even with a 14 month old who seems to try to pull out everything that I have just put away. 

Do you find yourself cleaning all in one day or through out the week?
Do you have certain things that you find you have to do before you go to bed?


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