Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A little place called Gymboree

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having a great day and a great week. We just got back from our morning run and hanging out until James decides it time for his nap.  I'm hoping it's soon because I'm getting hungry and I don't want to share my snack with him.  I didn't get to drink my protein shake before the run because I used so a trip to Target to get more today is on the list.

Today I thought I would share a little bit about us joining gymboree and our experience there. 

I’ve been looking into Gymboree Arts and Music for a while.  We attended our first class around November/December of last year.  James was about 6 months old and I wasn’t really sold on the classes. James wasn’t crawling at this time so he didn’t really do much there that he couldn’t do at home.  The thing that really scared me was the cost of it.  With me being at home and Wes being the only one working, it’s hard to justify $65 a month for classes.   UPDATE: I just received an email yesterday that said they are waiving the fee, the $50 sign up fee, and this deal runs until 9/30. 

I always kept the idea of joining Gymboree in the back of my mind but it wasn’t until June that I was able to pull the trigger. I got an email from them saying that they were doing a free day of play.  It was on a Saturday and Wes may have been working so we didn’t really have any big plans for the day so why not take them up on the offer and play for free.   

James loved it.  At first he was really unsure about it which is really understandable because it was a new place and had to take everything in, which is true to his personality. After he figured out what it was all about, you couldn’t stop him.  When we were leaving one of the employees came over and asked how we enjoyed it.  I told him that we did but the monthly price and the sign up fee was a little much.  Then he told me the great news that since it was their 40 anniversary they had an offer for that weekend only you got the first month for $40 and no sign up fee. The sign up fee is about $50 and the music class is $65.  So doing this special I saved over $75!!  On top of that special, this whole summer they have been doing an unlimited play so we could attend any play classes for free.  So thats what we did this summer. 

I think on average we went to about 1 open play.  Thats a set time where kids of all ages can come and just play.  It’s nice because you can meet a lot of different families and James can just play on whatever he wants and do whatever.  We also go to the class we signed up for - a music class.  At first James wasn’t really a fan but I think he is warming up to it and making some good cute baby friends.  Then we also try to hit up a play class.  It’s pretty similar to open play but a little more structured and has singing and bubbles.  So we went to at least 3 classes a week.  We really enjoyed yourselves.  

I like seeing James learn new things, he has learned how to climb stairs, go backwards off of furniture and now how to climb a ladder, and him being able to get out all his excess energy without tearing the house apart. The employees there are so nice and James just really likes them.  He often crawls up to them so they can hold him.

 I think what James really enjoyed about the classes is that he hardly ever gets told ‘no’ especially during the open play.  Everything there is baby proofed and I can just let him go nuts. 

I really glad that I decide to take the plunge and sign up for Gymboree.  It’s something that I really look forward to during the week and I think James does too. So if you are on the fence just go try it out.  You can get a free class for the first time you visit and if you aren’t sold the first visit, wait a little bit and try it again. 

Have you attended a Gymboree Class before? 
Do you take any kid classes anywhere?  What made you decide to go there?


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