Monday, August 22, 2016

My Fitness Update

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend.  We were able to get in some family pictures this weekend and I'm so excited for them.  We got them done with our unofficial family photographer.  The team/she has done my sister's wedding, my wedding, a pregnancy photoshoot for me and another set of whole family photos. I can't wait to get them back.  They were taken in a local creek and I'm sure half of the pictures are just James, alone, playing in the creek but I'm 100% okay with it. 

I thought I would pop in with a quick fitness update.   I would say that I’m doing pretty good, probably middle of the road success.  I gave up cookies and ice cream for two whole weeks.  I don’t know if thats a big deal for you guys and I kind of hate it that it is for me but I really noticed a difference. I think I lost about 4 lbs or so over those two weeks.  It really shows me how much of a difference cutting out that type of food can make.  I have been doing okay since those two weeks of giving it up.  I wanted to do this every two weeks but life got in the way but maybe after the ice cream is gone in the house (wont take long, Update: Wes ate the last of it last night) I’ll do it again.  

The past week or so I haven’t been doing very good with eating at all.  I just haven’t been in the mood for breakfast and when I do this it just seems to throw off my whole eating schedule.  Sometimes I’ll find myself not eating lunch either and then grabbing a super late lunch and not being in the mood for dinner. It’s a really bad cycle. But I’m hoping to improve that this week.  Just need a little motivation. 

On the other hand, my working out, especially my running as been going pretty good.  We did have a couple setbacks, a lot of rain and catching a cold. But I feel like the running is going good.  The minutes I’ve been running have kicked up a notch and I can totally notice.  I think I just finished week 4, so about 12 runs, and I have gone from running 30 seconds at a time to 5 minutes.  I’m not gonna lay and say the 5 minutes is a breeze but It’s something I couldn’t have done with I first started. 

I finally found a routine in the morning that works for us so I can get a run in.  After breakfast, we get dress (James in his outfit for the day and me in my workout clothes) and head out the door.  To combat the Truman factor, we take him for a quick walk around the neighbor then drop him off at the house and then we hit the road.  James does pretty good when we go on a run.  I do make sure that I have snacks for him and I give it to him half way through.  A lot of time, he’ll just sit in the stroller and I hardly notice he is there.  Sometimes we stop by the library on our way home, Bonus!

This is an old picture, we don't have the line TV anymore. 

One area in my workout routine that I can improve on with my non-running days.  I can’t really do my workout DVDs when James is awake.  There is a lot of phone taking or tacking when I try to do them when he is awake. So I have to fit it in when he is sleeping along with during the stuff for Wes’ business, chores and anything else that is 10 times easier when James is asleep.  So working out doesn’t always get done. But I know that everyone says that you have to make them a priority or act like they are an appointment that you can miss.  I do like to add the workout DVDS to the mix because they really do help you tone up.  You can’t get six-pack or super ripped arms just with running. 

I have about 10 - 15 pounds left to loose but I’m just gonna see what happens.  See where I feel my best and where it’s something that I can easily maintain and still enjoy my favorite foods. 

So thats just a quick update on where I am or what I have found in the past few months since my last fitness update.  I do feel good at where I am, some of my pants/shorts feel looser, and I do know that I’m making progress.

-Have you ever tried to cut out a certain food group and noticed a huge difference afterwards?
-What is your favorite form of exercise?  Do you like workout tapes or are you a prefer being outside?


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