Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day In The Life #2

Hi Everyone,

I hope you guys had a great weekend.  We surprising had a pretty busy weekend running errands around town and making a trip to Ikea (more on that in another post). I thought I would do a Day in the Life from Saturday but we will start with Friday night.

9:00 pm -  I forgot to grab some cash at the grocery store and I always like to have some on hand for the farmer's market.  So after James went to sleep and Wes and I did a little work outside, I hopped in the car and went to the ATM.  

I snapped this photo and it reminded me how much I miss my morning runs.  There was just something so relaxing and peaceful about running before, it seems, like the whole world is awake.  So when I got home I asked Wes, would he be okay with it if I went for a run in the morning as long as I was home in time to nurse James.  He feels very passionate about his morning feeding.  I went to bed a little later than I would have liked and set my alarm for 5:30.

5:30 - Alarm goes off and I hit the snooze button. Snoozes goes off, I turn the whole alarm off.

6:00 - My other Alarm, aka James, goes off and there is no hitting snooze on him.  I nurse him and we wonder out into the living room.  We hang out and watch a little TV.

6:45 - I started breakfast.  On the menu for this week is french toast so I had a little extra prep to get done and didn't want a whinny baby while I was trying to make breakfast. Wes wakes up and plays with James on the floor with one his toy rotation boxes. 

7:00 - We eat breakfast and just play around the house/ get ready until it was time to leave for the farmer's Market which opens at 8am. 

8:00 - We leave for the farmer's market.  I was planning on taking my bike and pulling James behind me but Wes decided to come and didn't feeling like biking so we all piled into the car.

8:30 - Arrived at the farmer's market and did a couple laps around seeing if there is anything that I just had to have.  

After grabbing a waffle, we settled down to watch a band play.  I think we all enjoy watching the band.  James isn't quite at the point of dancing to the music but it's nice to just sit down, enjoy a waffle and relax.  It's a great start to the morning. 

9:15 - James started to get a little fussy so we packed up, I grabbed some flowers and we headed home.

9:30 - Almost as soon as we got home James went down for a nap.  Taking the opportunity of James' napping and Wes being home (aka napping on the couch) I took off to the store to grab a couple of things that I forgot at the store yesterday.  After I got home and James was still asleep (Score!!) I started on a little meal prepping. 

I diced and sliced some strawberries, got the veggies all chopped for dinner and made some oatmeal bites (not impressed, throw them out this morning)  for James for the next morning.  

Does anyone else all seem to be losing one of their wool balls?  Mine always get trapped in the clothes. 

James ended up napping a crazy long time so I was able to get a few more things done around the house like pick up and do a little laundry all while listening to my new favorite podcast - My Favorite Murderer.  If you are in anyway interested in Murder/ true crime I would check out the podcast. It literally makes me laugh out loud while listening to it. 

12:30 - James wakes up and by this time I was so ready for lunch.  So I started making some BLTs and I couldn't possibly make them without my little helper.  

The climbing gene is strong with this one.

1:30 - After lunch is all cleaned up, Wes said that he need to run an errand.  We order windows for James' nursery but they came in the wrong size so we had to return them.  We pilled into Wes' newish truck, first family trip in it and headed over to Home Depot.  We returned the windows with an issue (so thankful) and did a little drill window shopping.  

After leaving Home Depot, we went to Cabelas to do a little more window shopping and to look at fishing poles.  Wes recently bought a new fishing kayak and is now on the mission to outfit it. 

James and I enjoyed looking at the fish tank/ pond that they have in the store.  

3:30 - We finally get home and I want, hopefully quickly, to show signs that he was tired and ready for a nap.  Sadly those didn't come and we only took one nap that day. So we just played in the living room waiting for dinnertime.  

5:30 - I turn on the over to preheat and finish up prepping dinner.  The oven beeps and I put the chicken and veggies into oven and put a pot of water on the stove for the corn that we got at the farmer's market. 

6:30 - It's dinner time and man it was delicious and so simple.  For the chicken and veggies all I did was place them in baking dish sprinkle it with a garlic herb seasoning and some olive oil and that was it.  For the corn on the cob, I just boiled it and then melted some butter in the microwave, add some cajun seasoning and brushed it on the corn. Delicious!!

7:00ish - It wasn't bath night and thinking it was going to be an early night, we changed James into his PJ's and got him almost ready for bed.  An early bedtime didn't happen, he seems to be filled with energy after dinner and didn't show any signs of slowing down. 

8:00 - James finally slowed down and I put him to bed. 

I didn't really document the rest of the time.  I think we watch an episode of 'In An Instant' and it was really sad.  A lady was driving on a highway and a semi-truck over took her and pushed her off the highway bridge and she and her two kids were stuck on the side of the bridge, barely hanging on.  Everyone was fine but whenever I see a story or read a story that has to do with a baby, I can't help but get teared up. 

11:00 - After the show ended, we went to bed.  

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