Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day In The Life

I've always loved reading these types of post on other blogs so I thought I would do one of my own.  I will be honest, this isn't my first attempt at doing one - usually I would forget half way through the day and be like 'oh crap, I didn't take any pictures today' or it would turn out to be a bad day, James or me in a bad mood and the last thing I wanted to do was capture the day.  But Monday went pretty well and I remembered to take pictures, for the most part.  It wasn't the most interesting day but it was a normal day for us.

6 am - James wakes up.  I had planned to wake up early to work on a couple of things because James got up but as soon as my alarm went off, I heard him through the monitor.

6:45 -  Breakfast - I forgot to make muffins on Sunday so James had waffles and banana and I had eggs with an english muffin.  

The english muffin tasted funny, I didn't put any butter or jelly on it so I didn't eat much of it.  I finished my breakfast sharing a yogurt.  

7:30ish - We head out for a our morning walk.  I try to get in about 2 miles in the morning.  It's a good length for me to where I feel like I actually burned something and for Truman it's about the farthest he will work without complaining.  

8:15 - We get back from our walk and I start to do some chores around the house. I clean up after breakfast and wipe everything down. Due to the dark floors and Truman needs to continually  shred I have to sweep/vacuum the floors a lot. 

9:15 - James goes down for this nap.  Sometimes with his naps I don't get much done.  I get sucked into a TV show and before I know it, it's an hour or so later and there is a noise coming from the monitor.  But this nap was different and James slept for a long time so I got a lot done. 

 I was able to my 30 Day Shred workout, grab a shower,  make and bake banana bread and blueberry muffins and was able to clean up the kitchen after this too, Mom win! 

Catch up on some Hiker Stuff and finishing up sweeping and mopping.

12:00 - After a 3 hour nap, James wakes up and we are both ready for lunch.  James doesn't always take a long nap in the morning but he only took one on Sunday and he was pretty tired so for the morning nap I just let him sleep as long as he feels like he needs to.  

12:30 - For lunch, I prepare him some string cheese, crackers and strawberries.  He just started liking strawberries about 2 weeks ago and loves them.  He can eat about 5 strawberries in a sitting.   I had some left over steak from dinner the night before and knowing that Wes didn't work until Wednesday that I needed to do something with it or lose it but I wasn't exactly sure what to do.  I thought about putting it on a salad but the idea of steak with ranch dressing didn't sound too good but then I thought of taco bell and their steak quesadillas.  I had never had them before but , My Oh My, they turned out amazing.  I think quesadillas get a bad wrap sometimes but if you make them with the right ingredients they aren't too bad.  I used about a 8 inch wheat tortillas, 3 oz of steak, about 1/3 of cheese and 2 tablespoons of sour cream.  I think it comes in around 450 calories with is a low on a normal lunch scale.  You could always switch out sour cream with greek yogurt or salsa and save even more.  This meal was so amazing that I have had it twice this week and will have it for lunch today too.  

1 - Play time -  If we have any errands to run this is when we usually do them but we didn't so we just stayed at home and just played.  Which right now involves James getting into a bunch of things and me trying to keep the house from looking like a tornado went through.  We did share a piece of banana bread later in the afternoon.  

 And I did let James watch a little bit of Baby Einstein.  He really does love that show and gets so excited when it pops up on the TV screen.  He squeals a little bit and shakes his hands and feet.  

4ish - James started to get a little sleepy, I tried to keep him up since he already took such a long nap in the morning and wake up late but it didn't work.   He ended up falling asleep on me, which never happens anymore, and we took a little afternoon nap.  He normally doesn't get the best sleep this way so I knew it wouldn't affect his bedtime too much. 

5:30 - Wes gets homes and it's kind of early so I was surprised but is greeted happily by both boys. 

6:00 -  I start prepping for dinner.  Since it's Monday and thats sandwich day, we are having BLT.  It's a nice quick meal that doesn't cost too much or takes too long.  Since when did bacon get so expensive. 

6:30 - We sit down to eat dinner.  James had Vienna Sausages, Mac n Cheese, Apples and Peanut Butter Bread.  I'm trying to get him to eat more meat/ protein so we are trying out the sausages.  They aren't a hit but I still have hope because of the strawberries. 

7:00 - We are done with dinner and Wes helps me clean up and we watched  Wheel of Fortune for a little bit, James loves Uncle Pat.  It was bath night so we took a quick bath and got ready for bed.  

7:30 - Wes was on the phone and I had to bring in some of the toys from outside because it was supposed to rain so James played for a little bit.  Not long after I bought the pool in did I see that James had climbed in the pool for a little fun. 

7:45 - James is done with his pool party and we start on our bedtime routine and lights are out by 8. 

8:00 -  Mommy time -  After James goes to sleep, this is my free time.  Since it's Monday night, it's Bachelorette Time.  I  don't always follow the bachelor/bachelorette series but this time I am.  I grab myself some wine and a little ice cream sundae made with a fiber one brownie and a little bit of ice cream.  I also put away James' toys so the living room is picked up and worked on the blog a little bit. 

10:30ish - Off to bed we go.  I read a little bit then it's lights out. 

So what does your normal day look like?
Are you always on the go or do you like to stay at home more?
Have you ever tired a new thing for lunch and was blown away by it?


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