Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reusing Old Candle Jars

Hi Everyone,

I don’t know about you but I seem to have a ton of almost finished candles laying about  house.  The wick burn down, you run out of wax and now you are left with an empty jar.  Most of the times I just throw them out but the jars from the target line are so just pretty and so nice that I feel bad just tossing them out.  And when I was looking for a cup or container to hold all my dry-erase markers It drawn on me to use my most recent candle jar and I have to say that it was so easy and looks really good too. 

This is how I did:

 1. I first burned the candle down as much as I could.  This is really a before step but I wanted to include it. 

2. I took a cake pan or a baking dish and filled it with hot water, enough to cover wax on the edges of the jar. 

3. Let them sit in the hot water until they wax becomes soft. Once it is soft and playable, using a knife, gently and carefully press down on the edge of the wax it moves as one and slips out of the jar.  

4. You may need to do a little clean up with a paper towel and a little water. You may need to use a little extra elbow grease to get the jars really clean. 

5. Make sure you don't put any of the wax down the drain.  It will clog your drains and cause a big mess. 

Aside from the marker holder, I have also used the jars to hold my hair ties and one of the larger jars to have a nice place to keep all of our apple chargers cords.


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