Sunday, August 23, 2015

It's a Dog's Life

So about being a little MIA the past couple of days, we have had a busy couple of days so finding the time to get a  quick post in was proving unsuccessful.  Wednesday night I had my agility class, Thursday we went to the fair and Friday and Saturday I went to go see my parents and get my haircut.   I will hopefully get to writing about each of those but lets just focus on the one I meant to post on Thursday.

So last Wednesday night was my first time away from James is about 4 or 5 weeks.  I wasn't out hitting up the town or having a crazy girls night.  I was spending time, doing an activity, that both Truman and I really love to do.  For just under 3 years, almost every week (probably) Truman and I would make the trip to Beech Grove, which is about a 30 minute drive to the other side of indy, to our Agility Class.  We started attending dog agility back around September in 2012 and it was always something that I thought Truman would enjoy.  Being a herding breed, I figured that he would like the working part of it and I knew he was smart enough to do it.

(Here is the first course that we ran that day)

The first year and half we made our way through the stage of class starting with Pre-Agility then beginner.  But for the past year and half we have been in the same group and I totally understand what one of my teachers said when she said it's becomes a social club and it's hard to get people to move up.  I don't really have an real urge to compete, we have done one competition in the past and Truman did very well in it but soon after that, I was very much pregnant and it's not the easiest to take James to agility class.

(You know how they say the camera adds 10 lbs but I think this picture took 10 lbs off.  He's looking good, losing that baby weight.)

I feel like Truman and I have been extremely lucky to find this group that we fell into it.  We have both been able to find a really close friend.  Janice and I used to carpool for close to two years, switching off weeks that we would drive.  We used to live fairly close to each other and with the drive being over 30 minutes it only made sense to drive together and we were lucky enough that both Truman and Callie were cool with being in the backseat together.  We used to make fun of them because they would be totally relaxed and calm riding together, each having their own side but as soon as we got to class, they would have a little argument usually about treats.  Both of them love their treats and haven't really mastered the art of sharing.

(Here is Janice and Callie running the second course.  She doesn't know I took this) 

Janice I feel is probably the closest friend I have made in a long time because Wes, of course.  I think what was helped is that we have a lot in common and not just friends because we had a couple of classes together.  We actually went to two different colleges and only met because of the first dog agility class we took, oh pre-agility.

(Truman has this thing where he likes to sit in the chairs at class. We think it's so he can see over the fence.)

I know i'm very lucky to have found this group of ladies that I do agility with but it didn't really accuse to me until I shared the news that I was pregnant and they were so happy for me and continue to be so and give me 'good' advice and the reassurance that it's all gonna be okay.  What is really nice is there is a pediatrician  in my group and a couple of nurses so they help calm my crazy mom fears.  I feel like I have a friendship with each one of them and we relate on different topics.  Last class, we talked about cooking, baking, retirement and grocery shopping.  It was more one of the tamer nights, in the past the topics have ranged from the mentioned up to how good looking the Blackhawks and rugby players are.

I like to think the feelings that I have about the people in my classes are felt both ways but that could just be because I like to bake and bring them food.  Last class was these chocolate chip pudding cookies (recipe will be posted in a few days).  When I was pregnant with James, it was hard to find the energy to bake so the amount of treats I would be greatly dropped off so much so that the teacher asked if the baby had killed my liking to bake.  I took the hint (even though she was just joking) and bought some cookies next time,  I'm pretty sure they were from a package but it's the thought right.

(Truman after class,  he's super tired after not going for 3 weeks) 

Like I said I feel very lucky to not only have found a hobby that Truman and I both enjoy but also to be able to share it with such a great group of women too.

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